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Found 1 Employer, Columbus job
Outpatient Neurology and Neuro-hospitalist-Northern New Jersey, 30 minutes from NYC
We have multiple established subspecialties and are seeking to expand existing and establish additional centers of excellence.
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Pediatric Neurologist and Neurohospitalist / General Neurology / Epilepsy
Design Neuroscience Center is a 10 Neurologist multispecialty multidisciplinary practice with a robust 360 continuum of care model. The group is go...
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NeuroHospitalist /Academic/Teaching Opportunity – Vassar Brothers Medical Center (75 mins north NYC)
Neurohospitalist/ residency teaching opportunity in growing program at Vassar Brothers Medical Center, 75 minutes north of New York City.
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Neurology Opportunity in Western Georgia
The regional hospital group of a large healthcare system is recruiting two neurologists to its medical group in Columbus, Georgia. The group is...